
4.3M Americans’ Personal Info Exposed In Hack Linked To Microsoft

Millions of Americans’ personal information was obtained by hackers after a cyberattack on a major health finance company.

A total of 4.3m users’ names, addresses, health history and social security numbers to dangerous actors were obtained after the attack on HealthEquity.

Hackers accessed the information through an unnamed third-party vendor that had access to HealthEquity’s Microsoft Sharepoint data, which allows companies to create and store important files and customers’ full profile information.

The newest attack could prompt a wave of data breaches, financial fraud and identity theft using the information collected from customers’ accounts.

The data breach occurred in March 2024 but according to a new filing, HealthEquity didn’t confirm its system was breached until June 26, more than three months after the accounts were targeted.

The company told that it could only publicly disclose the security event after it completed its investigation.

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