
After-Action Review Mentions Trump 16 Times — Says ‘Accountable’ Once, But Not For Biden

  • The review blames former President Donald Trump’s administration for pledging to the Taliban that the US would leave Afghanistan by May 2021 as part of the Doha agreement — a move that supposedly left his successor no option but to pull American forces out. In fact, the deal also gave the US the right to withdraw from the accord if Afghan peace talks failed — which they did.
  • “During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden administration, the outgoing administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies,” the document states. “There were no such plans in place when President Biden came into office, even with the agreed-upon full withdrawal just over three months away.”
  • In a sign of the administration’s priorities, the name “Trump” is mentioned 14 times while “accountable” appears just once – and even then isn’t in reference to the US taking responsibility for anything.