
College Enrollment Still Dropping 3 Years After Lockdowns

According to a recent analysis conducted by the National Student Clearinghouse, enrollment in most forms of postsecondary education in the United States continued to decline, three years after nationwide lockdowns necessitated a temporary shift to online learning for many students.

As of spring 2023, public four-year institutions experienced a 0.8% decrease in enrollment. While this decline is slightly less severe than the 1.2% decline observed in 2022, it remains more pronounced compared to the 0.3% decline in 2021 and the 0.2% decline in 2020.

On the other hand, private four-year nonprofit institutions saw a 1.0% decrease in enrollment in 2023, as opposed to a 1.2% decrease in 2022, a 0.4% decrease in 2021, and a 0.6% decrease in 2020.