
Haley Tells Trump After NATO-Russia Comments, ‘Don’t Take The Side Of A Thug’

Nikki Haley, former President Trump only serious challenge to winning the 2024 GOP presidential nomination said Sunday after Trump’s NATO-Russia comments, “Don’t Take The Side Of A Thug.

Haley, a former U.N. ambassador made the comment on CBS-TV the morning after Trump at a campaign stop in South Carolina warned NATO allies that if reelected he “would encourage” Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to nations member that are “delinquent” in their payments.

On Sunday, was also asked on the network whether she would adhere to the NATO premise that an attack on one is an attack on all.

“Absolutely,” she responded. “NATO has been a success story for the last 75 years.”

Trump in South Carolina in making the comments was apparently recounting an incident in which an unidentified foreign leader questioned him over his threat not to defend members who do not hit the alliances defense spending targets.

Said Haley: “What bothers me about this is, don’t take the side of a thug, who kills his opponents. don’t take the side of someone who has gone in and invaded a country and half a million people have died or been wounded because of Putin. Don’t take the side of someone who continues to lie.”