
Here’s How To Guarantee Your Golf Buddies Aren’t Sandbagging You

  • Golf’s handicap system is one of golf’s best inventions—a method for facilitating equitable competition between golfers of different skill. Handicapping originated in Scotland centuries ago to enable betting. The current World Handicap System was put in place in 2020 to standardize the methodology across 124 countries.
  • Golfers use their handicaps to equalize competition. If I’m a 20 handicap and play against my neighbor who’s a 7, the system determines how many strokes he must give me to compete head-to-head on a specific course.
  • The trouble results from the fact that golf scores are self-reported, making handicaps subject to manipulation. Complaints about “sandbaggers”—players suspected of keeping their handicaps artificially high—are nearly as old as the sport.