
Hey, Hey, Hey: 41.9% Of Us Are Fat

  • As the COVID-19 pandemic starts to fade and other health crises come back into focus, we must confront the glaring reality that America’s obesity epidemic has continued to worsen. An astounding 41.9% of adults over twenty are now obese. For a man of average height (5 foot, 9 inches), that equates to a weight of 203 pounds or more. For the average woman (5 foot, 4 inches), it’s 175 pounds or more.
  • Promoters of fad diets like Paleo, raw food, intermittent fasting, and low-carb generally want you to think that theirs is the ‘one true eating solution’, much like many religions tout their deity as the one true God. But the reality is that any diet can produce weight loss provided caloric intake is less than caloric expenditure.