
Jewish Students Report Anti-Semitism; University Retaliates Against Them

  • George Washington University students say that Lara Sheehi, a psychology professor, consistently harassed her Jewish students and then retaliated against them when they raised concerns with the administration, according to a Title VI discrimination complaint filed Thursday with the Department of Education.
  • “She began to retaliate against us,” one of those students told the Free Beacon. “She began to spread lies about us to the faculty – smearing our reputations to the people who are going to be our clinical supervisors for years to come.”
  • Compiled from student testimonies provided to the anti-Semitism watchdog Stand With Us, the complaint says Sheehi accused the students of racism, encouraged classmates to demean and exclude them for their Jewish identity, and took disciplinary measures against them after they confronted her. The group says the university condoned the professor’s actions.