Vice President Kamala Harris has a lot of options for her next act — including possible runs for governor of California in 2026 and president in 2028 — but writing a book may be first up, according to six people familiar with internal discussions about her future.
Two of the people said that Harris, who will find herself out of elected office for the first time in more than two decades on Monday, has already decided to write a book. The others said the topic is under discussion.
Thrust into the 2024 presidential campaign when President Joe Biden withdrew from the race in July, Harris quickly locked down the Democratic Party’s nomination but lost the general election to former President Donald Trump. Since conceding to Trump, Harris has said little publicly about her 107-day sprint to try to save the presidency for her party. Not only could her written take recount the past, it could help shape her future.
“Kamala Harris is poised to land the biggest book deal of any vice president in history,” said Keith Urbahn, president and co-founder of the literary agency Javelin. “But the real question isn’t the advance — it’s whether the book can redefine her for 2028.”
Urbahn said Harris has an opportunity to “get personal,” acknowledge where she and the Democratic Party misread the sentiments of the electorate and potentially reach out to a broader audience than her base.
“There’s a version of this book that is full of platitudes but safe, and then there’s a version that reinvents her to lead a Democratic Party in need of rebuilding,” he said. “She gets a payday either way, but only the latter gets her a second shot at the presidency.”