
Nearly 8-In-10 Agree: All Americans Should Honor The Founding Fathers

More than 3-in-4 Americans agree that honoring the Founding Fathers, even though they were wrong about slavery, is essential to unifying a country as diverse as America.

The results shed light on why there has been intense backlash to changes in school and higher education curriculum that portray America’s founding in a negative light.

Activists and candidates fighting anti-American curriculum can use this messaging framework to advocate for honoring the Founding Fathers in schools and public life.

55% of Americans agree that Independence Day is one of our nation’s most important holidays, a 4% increase from 2023. This includes 68% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats, and 54% of swing voters.

82% of Americans agree that the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence are still relevant today, a 4% increase from 2023. This includes 84% of both Republicans and Democrats and 80% of swing voters.

64% of Americans say the US is moving further away from the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence, a 3% decrease from 2023. This includes 74% of Republicans, 54% of Democrats, and 65% of Independents.

Read full story at America’s New Majority Project.