
‘No Offense To Wyoming’: Hochul Calls For End To Electoral College

Gov. Kathy Hochul called for the Electoral College to be abolished despite Donald Trump’s popular vote win — as she presided Tuesday over New York’s vote for Kamala Harris’ doomed candidacy.

The purely procedural Electoral College vote led by Hochul in Albany drew a Who’s Who of Democratic bigwigs, with two glaring exceptions: Bill and Hillary Clinton.

But even without the Clintons’ political star power, Hochul still raised eyebrows as she lambasted the Electoral College’s very existence.

The Constitution — which Hochul referred to as a “living document” — should be changed to eliminate the convoluted system of dispersing 538 presidential votes across the states based on population, the governor argued.

“Unfairly, less populated states have outsized influence and in fact, the votes of their residents count more than a state like New York,” she said, atop the dais in the state Senate chamber.

“Consider that a single elector in Wyoming — no offense to Wyoming — represents 200,000 residents and in New York an elector like you represents 700,000,” she said, digressing to apologize to the Cowboy State, where her favorite NFL quarterback, Buffalo Bills star Josh Allen, played college ball.

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