

Off The Press | Today’s News Minute April 21, 2023 – NRA Back on Top!

Here are some of the headlines we are featuring today - April 21, 2023 from your favorite news outlets

Michigan and China have cut a deal to open an EV battery plant in the state and now we’re hearing that the Biden White House plans to pour $700 million of your money into the deal.

After a long period of controversy and lawsuits, the National Rifle Association is back. At last week’s convention in Indianapolis, the crowds were huge and top politicians showed up to signal support for the Second Amendment lobby group.

He’s been saying it for weeks, and now President Biden appears ready to announce his reelection bid as early as next Tuesday. But it will just be a video announcement, signaling a traditional Rose Garden style of campaign.

And Michelle Obama is on the warpath over brides who are more focused on wedding dresses than relationships. Marriage is hard, she is warning.


Biden Subsidizing China EV Battery Factory

NRA Is Back After Long Period Of Controversies, Law Suits, Says Expert, Critic

Colorado Says No To Gun Ban

Gun Stores Selling Out After Washington State OKs ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

Obama Judge Says ‘Large Capacity’ Magazines Are Not Protected By 2A

Biden’s In For 2024

Michelle Obama Slams Marriage Glamour, ‘Ain’t Always Fun’