
Over 1,000 New York Times Employees Threaten Walkout

Employees threaten to stop work for 24 hours if agreement not met

  • Over 1,000 employees of the New York Times said they intend to walk off the job if management cannot reach a contract agreement with the newsroom union following over a year and a half of negotiations.
  • A letter sent to publisher A.G. Sulzberger and CEO Meredith Kopit Levien read, “We have spent more than 120 hours across 40 bargaining sessions exchanging and amending dozens of proposals.”
  • The body of the email containing the letter said, “Enough. If there is no contract by December 8, we are walking out.”
  • The union members want negotiations on pension plans, health care, and an increase in pay. If the agreement is not met, they threatened to stop working for 24 hours.