
RCP: Can Dems Trump-Proof’ The Swamp?

Wednesday on the RealClearPolitics radio show — weeknights at 6:00 p.m. on SiriusXM’s POTUS Channel 124 and then on Apple, Spotify, and here on our website — Andrew Walworth, Carl Cannon, and Tom Bevan start with a preview of President Biden’s “farewell address” planned for Wednesday evening. President Biden’s approval rating is hovering around 38.7% according to the RCP average, about as low as he has had in his term.

“I think he is somewhat deluded in terms of thinking he has all these great accomplishments,” Tom Bevan commented. “He said the other day that immigration went down after he came into office, he talked about how he brought inflation way down — these are the opposite of the truth. I think the job approval ratings reflect that. People wanted change, they didn’t think he did a good job, particularly on the issues that matter most to them, like inflation and immigration. He’s going to leave office with one of the lowest approval ratings of any modern president.”

“We’ve had three presidents with lower approval ratings: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, and Richard Nixon,” added Carl Cannon.

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