
Rhymes With Yuck

Matt Vespa:

  • Dems are starting to get that Biden’s press secretary isn’t built for crisis.
  • “You can’t fire Karine Grey Poupon due to the identity politics creed the Left has adopted with authoritarian gusto: you can’t fire the first black lesbian White House press secretary. It’s probably not a terrible idea, but it highlights how Karine can’t do the job. Like her boss, she hasn’t been able to perform her duties for months. Even top Democratic operatives and communications strategists know she’s low-caliber—it’s about managing this nightmare, and she can’t be QB1. Karine got bodied, but if you’re a Democrat, you need something because the line of questioning will be fierce this week, and everyone, not just Fox News, will be asking why Joe Biden was so reckless with state secrets.”