A New Jersey elementary school named after disgraced Sen. Bob Menendez is dropping his name after his conviction on federal bribery charges.
The Robert Menendez Elementary School in West New York, New Jersey, will return to its original name, PS #3, West New York Mayor Albio Sires told the New Jersey Globe.
“We’re going to take the name down before the school year starts,” Sires told the Globe.
Sires, who had PS #4 named for him, succeeded Menendez in the House of Representatives after Menendez was appointed to an open Senate seat in 2006.
The school was named for Menendez in 2013 as a peace offering by then-Mayor Felix Roque, who had endorsed Menendez’s competitor, Republican Joe Kyrillos, in the 2012 Senate re-election race, according to the outlet.
Menendez, 70, was convicted earlier this month of trading the power of his office for lucrative bribes.