
Schools Make Bonuses COVID Spending Focus Amid Low Test Scores

Louisiana public schools are spending millions in COVID-19 relief funding on new classrooms, cafeteria expansions, teacher bonuses, and HVAC renovations while students continue to struggle with basic academics.

  • Louisiana received $3.29 billion in federal American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief last year to help students recover from learning loss during the pandemic.
  • State Superintendent Cade Brumley said when the U.S. Department of Education released the last $870 million in August 2021 the “goal is to aggressively and transparently direct ESSER resources toward statewide investments that will recover and accelerate student learning.”
  • But state data shows districts are spending tens of millions on questionable expenses that have little impact on improving student learning, with superintendents instead focusing on “capital improvements” while simultaneously opposing stronger standards for students.