
Strange But True: Bill Introduced To Ensure Tax Dollars Not Sent To Taliban

Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) introduced a bill on Thursday that would require the U.S. Department of State to develop and implement a policy that “ensures” U.S. tax money does not end up in the hands of the Taliban.

Burchett’s bill, the No Tax Dollars for Terrorists Act, would require the State Department to “develop and implement a policy to oppose any foreign aid from going to the Taliban.”

In addition, the bill would require two reports to be compiled and submitted to the appropriate congressional committees in relation to the Taliban – one on “any cash assistance programs in Afghanistan and how the US keeps the Taliban from gaining access” and the other on the “Afghan Fund and the Afghanistan central bank.”

In a post published to X, Burchett said, “It is crazy that legislation like this needs to be introduced in the first place.”

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