
Trump Mulls Court-Martials In Afghan Withdrawal

President-elect Donald Trump vowed to root out the “woke TV generals” from the U.S. military brass, and that reportedly might include court martial for top Biden administration military officials responsible for the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal.

On the campaign trail, Trump vowed accountability, and his legal team is weighing potential actions against senior Biden military officers, according to reports.

Among the bandied about actions include an independent commission to investigate the withdrawal decision-making, execution, and failures of those responsible. The recall of senior officers might assess charges as sever as treason, according to The National Pulse.

The officers do have the defense of following President Joe Biden’s orders, however.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Matt Flynn is not involved in the transition investigation of using court-martial, according to Flynn attorney Mark Zaid, despite sources suggesting otherwise.

Trump on the campaign trail has suggested his former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, could be executed for treason.

Read the full story here.