
Turley Schools ‘Censor-In-Chief’ Biden After Twitter Criticisms

  • President Biden went off on a tangent, as he often does, blasting Elon Musk for his acquisition of Twitter, which he said is trafficking in lies.
  • Biden: “Elon Musk goes out and buys an outfit that sends and spews lies all across the world. There’s no editors anymore. There’s no editors. How do we expect kids to be able to understand what is at stake?”
  • This is rich coming from Biden, who owes his presidency to the fact that Twitter censored a 2020 Hunter Biden story that probably would have swung the election to Donald Trump.
  • That led Turley to respond: “As a type of censor-in-chief, Biden has led calls for censorship on social media, which have been largely heeded by companies like Facebook and Twitter. Now Biden is accusing Twitter of “spewing lies all across the world” by seeking to reduce one of the largest censorship systems in history.”