
We’re Getting Stupider And Stupider, Maybe Because Of COVID

'Far too many of our students are struggling to understand and explain the importance of civic participation, how American government functions, and the historical significance of events. These results are a national concern.' NCES Commissioner Peggy Carr

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but new reporting shows that American children are scoring worse on key civics tests after being banned from classrooms during the coronavirus crisis.

Today we are learning that students in eighth grade are doing worse in U.S. history and civics than they were in 2018, exacerbating concerns about learning loss. That is from the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Get this: the Nation’s Report Card revealed that civics scores for eighth grade students declined for the first time ever, falling from 153 in 2018 to 150 on a 0-300 scale. The scores matched the assessment score from 1998, the first year that students were assessed in the subject.