

Today’s News Minute | February 7, 2023

Here are some of the headlines we are featuring today, February 7, 2023, from your favorite news outlets at OFFTHEPRESS.COM

It’s no secret that the fight has already begun for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. But what’s new is that some are also starting to campaign to be the nominee for vice president. Our reports suggest that’s what’s behind Kari Lake’s visit to Iowa, the state that hosts the first 2024 caucus.

President Joe Biden will give his second State of the Union address tonight and the media is already spinning for him. Andrea Mitchell, for example, wants you to give Biden credit for the economy, which many think is pretty bad.

Add Hillary Clinton to those questioning the ability of Kamala Harris to be president. She reportedly said that the vice president lacks the political instincts to get through primary season.

And remember the time when former Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot one of his friends during a bird hunt in Texas? Well we hear that Harry Whittington just died at 95.

VP Kari Lake?

Andrea Mitchell Begs For Public To Give Biden ‘Credit For The Economy’

Hillary Clinton Said It: Kamala Harris Doesn’t Have What It Takes

Top Texas Republican Accidentally Shot By Cheney During Hunt Dies At 95