
‘Worse’ Than Rodney King Beating

The Memphis Police Chief has tough words for the horrific Tyre Nichols beating video!

  • Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn Davis is speaking out about the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols that left him dead and five Black police officers facing murder charges.
  • “It was unconscionable. I don’t think I’ve witnessed anything of that nature in my entire career. Really. It was that bad. You’re going to see acts that defy humanity. You’re going to see a disregard for life, a duty of care, that we’re all sworn to. There was an amount of aggression that is unexplainable,” she told CNN.
  • “Davis told CNN she watched the footage of Nichols’ Jan. 7 beating for the first time Sunday and described it as “about the same if not worse’’ than the infamous video of King being viciously beaten by Los Angeles cops during a 1991 driving stop,” reported the New York Post.