
Biden’s Ex-COVID Advisor Admits Wuhan Might Have Produced Virus, Predicts Another Pandemic

  • President Joe Biden‘s former Covid advisor has admitted the pandemic may have been borne out of a laboratory leak in Wuhan.
  • Speaking at a New York City health conference this week, Dr Raj Panjabi, former Special Assistant to the President, described the lab leak theory as ‘plausible’ and called on Governments around the world to ‘do more to keep labs safe.’
  • Biden called former President Donald Trump ‘nakedly xenophobic’ in May 2020, for suggesting Covid was the result of Chinese experiments gone wrong.
  • But ex-Covid adviser Dr Panjabi appeared to veer away from the party line this week saying: ‘It is plausible that Covid originated in a lab accident in Wuhan…we have got to do more to keep labs safe.’