
DeSantis Trolls Noem, Notes That Dog He Was Fostering Has Happy New Home

DeSantis holding Essentia rescue dog

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has a new book coming out. The Guardian published some excerpts from her forthcoming biography.

One excerpt is causing a stir. Jazz wrote about it and if you haven’t read his post, I encourage you to do so. It’s an eye-opener.

Noem writes about killing a 14-month-old puppy. And a goat. She justified it by writing about bad behavior from the animals on her farm. The question is why did she include the mentions in her upcoming book?

Noem admits if she was a better politician she would not have included the story. However, she said she decided to include Cricket and the unnamed goat in her book because it shows that she is willing to do whatever is necessary in any situation. She is a potential running mate for Donald Trump and she is trying to show she’s capable of doing hard things.

Like Jazz, I like Governor Noem. From all I’ve seen, she has done a good job in South Dakota. Her personal story is compelling. I just don’t understand how it is she thought the Cricket story plays to her advantage.

I understand she is a hunter and wanted Cricket to be a hunting dog. Not every dog is cut out for that, though. Why didn’t she just re-home the dog if she ‘hated’ her? At only 14 months, she could have been trained as a family pet, maybe not a farm dog that hunts.

Click here to read the full story.