
FAA’s Diversity Push Hiring ‘Severe Intellectual’ And ‘Psychiatric’ Disabled

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is under fire for its controversial Diversity and Inclusion hiring initiative, which actively recruits workers with “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions.

The initiative, detailed on the FAA’s website, claims that “diversity is integral” in achieving its mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across the nation and beyond.

However, critics, including tech billionaire Elon Musk and conservative commentator Matt Walsh, have raised concerns over the FAA’s prioritization of diversity hiring over the safety of passengers. Musk tweeted, “Do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritized DEI hiring over your safety? That is actually happening.” Walsh added in an op-ed for the Daily Wire, “The DEI rot in the airline industry is way worse than you think.”

The targeted disabilities, identified by the federal government policy as being eligible for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring, include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, and dwarfism. The FAA’s website shows that the agency’s guidelines on diversity hiring were last updated on March 23, 2022.

As an agency responsible for regulating civil aviation and employing roughly 45,000 people, the FAA’s diversity hiring plan has sparked a heated debate. Some argue that it’s a step towards more inclusive hiring practices and allows people with disabilities to pursue job opportunities they may have been excluded from in the past. However, others argue that prioritizing diversity hires could come at the expense of safety and efficiency.

Proponents of the initiative contend that workers from diverse backgrounds bring unique perspectives and experiences that can enhance workplace productivity and foster innovation. However, critics contend that prioritizing diversity over qualifications and experience could lead to less qualified workers being hired and potentially compromise public safety.

In light of the controversy, the FAA has yet to release a statement. The agency’s diversity hiring initiative continues to be a topic of heated debate, with both advocates and critics voicing their opinions on the matter. While diversity and inclusion are essential in today’s workforce, it remains to be seen how the FAA’s hiring plan will affect its mission of ensuring safe and efficient air travel for all.