
High School Girls Track Team Terrified Sharing Locker Room With Huge ‘Trans’ Teammate

The Old Saybrook High School Track and Field team has been in the spotlight ever since an article published last month in a local newspaper started circulating on the internet.

The article featured a picture of the girls track and field team, which revealed the presence of a transgender student on the team.

Word quickly spread about the issues that had existed inside the girls locker room as a result.

Girls who identify as “biological girls” and who were born female felt unsafe with the presence of an athlete who was born a male inside the same locker room, especially considering the size differential.

The biological girls were forced to huddle in a corner of the locker room so they could change clothes with at least a modicum of privacy, hoping to remain out of view of the student who was born a biological boy.

Biological girls in this situation often experience psychological issues, feelings of embarrassment, and even feel fearful about joining a team in the first place, especially knowing that a biological boy may be watching them change in the locker room.

Read the full story here.