
Blexit Is Real, Black Men Exiting Democratic Party To Support Trump

Poll Indicates Black Men Exiting Democratic Party To Support Trump

A new poll suggests that 30% of black men in seven swing states will give their support to former President Donald Trump, up from the 12% he received in 2020, come the November election.

The poll, conducted by the Wall Street Journal, surveyed minority group voting trends. The black population has been a key voter bloc for Democrats, but now Trump and third-party candidates are threatening to steer voters away from Biden. There isn’t a comparable poll from 2020, but in that election, Trump won only 12% of male black voters.

Biden still is expected to capture the majority of male black voters, with 57% supporting the Democrat. However, the poll suggests a 30-point drop in black male voter support when compared to the 2020 election results.

In the same poll, 42% of black women surveyed revealed they are still uncertain or persuadable in their voting choice. In 2020, 6% of black women voted for Trump. Now, 11% said they are definitely or probably going to vote for Trump.

“In this particular election, the persuasion isn’t just to vote or not to vote,” said Adrianne Shropshire, head of BlackPAC, a Democratic super PAC. “The persuasion is actually to get people to come to Biden and away from third parties and away from Trump.”

Read the full story in THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER.