
Kansas Passes ‘Women’s Bill Of Rights’ To Battle Trans Activists

Kansas is leading the way against the woke trans activists

  • Kansas has become the first state to pass a bill that defines ‘woman’ as someone who is biologically born female in a move that paves the way for banning transgender people from single-sex areas.
  • Legislators voted in favor of the Women’s Bill of Rights on Thursday which has already sparked fierce backlash from the Kansas Senate Democrats who said it was ‘equally offensive’ to trans and cisgender women.
  • But Republican Senator Renee Ericksson, who spearheaded the bill, insisted it was a ‘very factual’ and ‘objective’ move.
  • The bill defines a female as someone ‘whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova’ while ‘male’ refers to anyone whose reproductive system ‘is developed to fertilize the ova of a female.’