
Legal Experts Say She Has Jeopardized Looming MAGA Indictments

  • The forewoman on the Georgia grand jury that could indict Donald Trump laughed and said she ‘kind of wanted’ to subpoena him just to get the chance to swear him in – on a bizarre media tour that is already causing headaches for prosecutors.
  • In just one of her multiple interviews about a usually shrouded process, forewoman Emily Kohrs told MSNBC why she personally wanted to hear from Trump.
  • ‘I wanted to hear from the former president, but honestly, I wanted to subpoena the former president because I got to swear everybody in,’ she said.
  • ‘And so I thought it would be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump, of me looking at him and be like, “Do you solemnly swear,” and me getting to swear him in,’ she continued.