
Man Who Witnessed George Floyd’s Death Gets $150K From City For Emotional Damages

The Minneapolis City Council has agreed to pay one of the witnesses to George Floyd’s death $150,000 after he sued the city for the emotional damages that resulted from the incident, the Minnesota Star Tribune reported.

Donald Williams sued the city in May 2023 for $50,000, alleging that he “has endured and/or will endure medical expenses, emotional distress, pain, suffering, humiliation [and] embarrassment” as a result of witnessing the Minneapolis Police Department’s conduct when arresting Floyd, according to the New York Post.

Williams, who yelled at and insulted officers as they were restraining Floyd, was ultimately awarded more than his initial lawsuit demanded in a unanimous vote by the Minneapolis City Council, the Minnesota Star Tribune reported. Chauvin was convicted of Floyd’s murder and sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison.