

McCarthy Shreds Top Democrats Over Omnibus: They’re Saying There’s ‘No Waste In Government’ Spending

  • “The responsible thing to do is sit down like two adults and start having that discussion,” McCarthy said. “What has happened with the debt limit is you reached your credit card limit. Should we just continue to raise the limit? Or should we look at what we’re spending?”
  • When Brennan claimed it was about paying off past commitments, McCarthy responded, “No, no. Chuck Schumer never passed a budget since he’s been leading. He’s never passed an appropriation bill. Those are the most basic things that Congress should do.”
  • “The only person who is getting in the way right now, is the president and Schumer,” McCarthy said. “They won’t even pass a budget. They won’t even negotiate. We have now til June. I want to make sure we have something responsible, something that we can move forward on and something that we can balance our debt with.”