
More Than 150 Students, Staff At NC State Diagnosed With Cancer

FILE - This microscope image made available by the National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research in 2015 shows human colon cancer cells with the nuclei stained red. A panel of health experts wants U.S. adults to start getting regular colon cancer screenings at age 45, five years earlier than it now recommends. While overall, colon cancer rates have been declining, the draft guidelines issued Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020, by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force reflect a growing concern about rising rates in younger people. (NCI Center for Cancer Research via AP, File)

More than 150 students, staff and alumni have reportedly been diagnosed with cancers and other diseases linked to a university building teeming with toxins.    

Cases of lymphoma and thyroid and breast cancers have been reported among patients who spent time at Poe Hall, a class building at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.

The building closed in November 2023 amid reports of exposure to concerning levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), toxic chemicals linked to cancer.

An investigation the month before found that PCB levels in five rooms were more than 38 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) building limit.

The university now faces lawsuits from some of the 152 patients who report falling sick with diseases linked to the toxins.

These include Sarah Glad, a 35-year-old mother-of-one who dreamed of using her degrees from NC State to run for office.

However, her dreams were cut short when she died from stage four breast cancer, which her family claims is linked to attending classes in Poe Hall.

Read the full story at the Daily Mail.