
Sartorial Senator

Manchin Moves To Reinstitute Senate Dress Code

  • West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin is circulating a petition that would would reinstitute the chamber’s dress code called on male senators to wear a coat and tie when on the floor.
  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer confirmed this week that senators, but not their staffers or reporters, would no longer be subject to dress requirements. The move appeared to accommodate Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman, who prefers to dress in athletic shorts and a hoodie.
  • The change prompted scoffs from lawmakers, especially Republicans, and Manchin now seeks to revert the dress code to its prior regulations. The proposal reportedly would set the dress code to align with the rules that immediately predated Schumer’s changes, The Hill reported.
  • It remains unclear how many lawmakers have endorsed the proposal, though Democratic and Republican senators such as John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., have both expressed support for revising the dress standards.