
AZ Democrats Blasted Over Drag Queen Story Hour At State Capitol

Arizona state Democrats ignited a firestorm of criticism as they hosted a Drag Story Hour reading on Tuesday at the Capitol, an event in collaboration with Planned Parenthood, drawing a sharp rebuke from Republican counterparts, Breitbart reported.

During the event, captured in a brief video shared by Arizona state Senate Republicans on X, a figure with distinctive hot pink eyebrows and a beard, identified as a man, advocated for children transitioning genders.

The individual, reportedly reading from “Queer and Fearless: Poems Celebrating the Lives of LGBTQ+ Heroes,” addressed parents, urging them to heed their children’s inclinations toward transgenderism, drawing from personal experiences.

“Because I can tell you I knew from a very young age — very, very young age — and had the resources been there, had the language been there, had all the things that are available today been there, things might have been very different for me instead of waiting 35 years,” the man said.

The Republicans, taking to social media, issued a warning about the event’s content and accused Democrat lawmakers of promoting child indoctrination and espousing “woke ideology” with taxpayer funds.

House Speaker Ben Toma, R-Peoria, condemned Democrats’ deliberate deception in securing the venue for the event, announcing the suspension of their privilege to reserve House meeting rooms “until trust could be restored,” Fox News reported.

Read the full story here.