
China Imposes Sanctions On Ex US Lawmaker Mike Gallagher

China has banned former U.S. lawmaker Mike Gallagher from entering the country and taken other measures in response to his words and actions that “interfered in China’s internal affairs,” the foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

From Tuesday, the ministry said, China will also freeze Gallagher’s assets in the country and ban organizations and individuals there from trading and cooperating with him.

It did not go into further detail on what Gallagher had said or done.

The remarks by the US’ top diplomat sent “a seriously wrong signal to the Taiwan separatist forces,” Wang said. He added that Beijing had filed a diplomatic complaint with Washington, and called on “the US to immediately correct their mistakes.”

Blinken congratulated Lai Ching-te on Monday shortly after he took over as Taiwan’s new president.

The Biden administration official also said in a statement that his nation looked forward to working with Lai and others in the democratically run island of 23 million people “to advance our shared interests and values.”

Read more here from Bloomberg.