
‘Halo’ Composer Announces Run For Congress As Republican

The composer of the Halo video game franchise has announced his candidacy for Congress in Nevada, where he will run as a Republican candidate.

In announcing his run in Nevada’s 3rd District, Marty O’Donnell said he never had a desire to run for office and still does not want to run. However, he noticed that “something has gone horribly wrong” in the economy, making it hard to live for small-business owners and middle-class residents, which he aims to address should he be elected.

“I’m tired of seeing the leaders of our country being influenced by the toxic divisions that are tearing apart our families and society,” O’Donnell wrote in a statement on X. “It’s time for me to step up and do my civic duty. To give back and try and change things for the better. If not me, who? If not now, when?”

Other concerns O’Donnell wants to address include security along the border, something he says the federal and state governments ought to be working on together. He added that it is “unacceptable” seeing the U.S. government at war with itself, possibly referencing the feud between Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and the Biden administration over the governor’s handling of securing the border.

O’Donnell also said the “old-fashioned ‘family values’” have been greatly diminished over the past few years and that children in the United States are “suffering” because of this. The composer said he wants to “champion the traditional family” as an important factor in a child’s upbringing, adding that he would recognize “all who step up to provide for their children.”

“I’m ready to go to D.C. and see if I can help bring back sanity and civility to the public discourse on these issues and all the other issues that face our great nation,” O’Donnell said. “We need bold leaders for such a time as this.”