
Teen Suing Doctors For Removing Breasts At Age 13

  • “Layla immediately started puberty blockers and testosterone at age 12, and had a double mastectomy at age 13,” the legal letter states.
  • “Two of Layla’s initial providers advised that per Kaiser’s official policies, Layla could not start cross-sex hormones until she was 16 and advised that surgery was not permissible until age 18,” the letter claims.
  • “But, soon thereafter, Layla ended up in the hands of Dr. [Susanne E.] Watson, Dr. [Lisa Kristine] Taylor, and Dr. [Winnie Mao Yiu] Tong. These doctors immediately approved Layla for cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy at ages 12-13, without performing an adequate evaluation and treatment of Layla’s extensive mental health co-morbidities.”