
Vast Network Of Companies Ties To Corrupt Castro Clan: Report

A joint investigation published by Yucabyte and the investigative journalism outlet revealed on Friday a network of companies ranging from Mexico to Cuba, passing through Miami, with close ties to descendants of the Castro family, including Héctor Santana Castro, Sandro Castro and his cousin, the model Antonio “Tony” Castro.

According to the investigation, Hector Santana Castro, great-nephew of Raúl and Fidel Castro, would manage the family business in Europe through his law firm. The network of entities with links to Santana Castro’s law firm reportedly includes micro, small and medium-sized businesses, known in Cuba as Mipymes, which the Biden administration has tried to depict as “independent of the Cuban regime.”

Among them, Yucabyte mentions the Mipyme Nego Servis Expreso SURL, directed by state security colonel Rogelio Singh Luque, father of Yolexi Singh Frías, a Cuban who lives in Spain and who was denied Spanish naturalization after being accused by the Spanish National Intelligence Center (CNI) of being part of a Cuban espionage network in Spain.