
Bernie Sanders Charging $95 On His Anti-Capitalism Tour

Bernie Sanders Charging $95 On His Anti-Capitalism Tour

  • JIMMY FAILLA: Well, this is a total scam. Let me just jump in. OK, when Bernie Sanders says, well, you know, I don’t make a nickel off of this, he signed a book deal and he can pawn this off as well, if you sign with a big publisher, they go out and sell books at these events. He’s being paid based on how many books he sells. …
  • Number two, to have the gall to charge people $95 for a lecture about the evils of capitalism. It’s called “It’s Okay to be Angry at Capitalism.” If you pay $95 to get into a lecture about being angry at capitalism, the only thing you should be angry about is yourself. You’re a dumb person. Bernie Sanders is a scam. And where I respect the hustle is he’s getting over on gullible people.
  • There’s an easy follow-up there. If doing a big book publisher is such a bad thing, why not do one with a small publisher that doesn’t do this? Because he wants the money.