
On Super Tuesday Eve, GOPer Garvey Tied For First In Bid For Dem-Held Calif Senate Seat

A new poll show Steve Garvey – a Republican and  former baseball hero turned political rookie – in a statistical tie for first place with  Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff for an open Senate seat in California.

The poll from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies show 27% of voters would back Garvey compared to Schiff’s 25%, a steep increase from data in January.

Fellow Democrat Reps. Katie Porter has 19% of the likely vote and Barbara Lee has 8%.

They are competing for the seat of late-Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

A Republican hasn’t won a Senate race in California since 1988, and registered Democrats hold a 2-to-1 advantage over Republicans statewide, according to the Associated Press.