

High-End Brothel That Targeted Military, Politicians Sparks National Security Concerns

Brothel That Targeted Military, Politicians Sparks National Security Concerns

Sex (We-Vibe Toys for Unsplash)
  • Lawmakers are worried that national security was compromised after a high-end brothel network targeting military officials and congressmen in the Washington, D.C., area was recently busted.
  • This week, prosecutors charged three people with running a high-end brothel network in Boston and northern Virginia, whose customers included elected officials, tech executives, lawyers and military personnel.
  • Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., told that he’s “incredibly concerned” about the potential breach of national security through brothel network.
  • Prosecutors say they paid up to $600 per hour for sexual encounters with predominately Asian women who were being exploited through sex trafficking.